Polybutylene Pipe: Great Idea Gone Wrong
Plastic Vanities: be wary of heat and drain cleaners!
Everyone Wants a Gas Stove, but...
Weep Hole in Sump Discharge Can Make a Mess, Unless...
Wood windows in showers don't hold up well. Check out this beautiful option!
Revitalize that old ceramic tub with a new drain basket!
Put this under your sink!
Don't weight for the bathroom floor to flood!
If I had a hammer...
Disposer is safer than you think.
Leaking toilet seal
It's good to get loopy! (at least with dishwashers)
Drying without Kinks or Danger
Tankless need regular descaling!
Save Water! No more bothersome flappers!
A dryer vent to be proud of!
Water heater safety isn't that simple.
Frozen hose bib supply pipes can flood your basement!
Dielectric unions prevent galvanic corrosion.
Tank you, tank very much!